Set in a grim land plagued by war, Tails of Iron is a hand-drawn RPG Adventure with punishingly brutal combat. As Redgi, heir to the Rat Throne, you must restore your broken Kingdom by banishing the merciless Frog Clan and their ferocious leader, Greenwart.
As you explore the deceivingly charming world, you'll encounter a cast of unique companions, ready to aid you in your adventure. And you'll need all the help you can get, whether that's new meal recipes, blueprints to forge deadly weapons and armour, or even a land-chugging, armour-plated mole mobile!
Overcome your fears. Rescue your brothers. Restore Your Kingdom.
Your tail has begun...
Product Details
Name: Tails of Iron
Platform: PlayStation 4
Publisher: CI Games
Developer: Odd Bug Studio
Official Release Date: 11/19/21
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer
Game Data
Genre: Role-Playing > Action RPG
ESRB: Blood and Gore, Violence
Country: USA
Product ID: CUSA-28465
Product Barcode: 816293016310