Super Trench Attack is a goofball comedy shooter based in a World War setting. Engage in a fearless fight against the Black Army’s oppression and help end the World War. Super Trench Attack is an action-packed, fun RPG, dual-stick shooter. Enrolled in the Green Army, Boot Camp is your first stop. Start your training & gather special items. As a rookie, you have to master new techniques and weapons to achieve your mission.
Product Details
Name: Super Trench Attack
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: VGNYsoft
Official Release Date: 09/14/20
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer
Game Data
Genre: Action > Shooter > Shoot-'Em-Up > Top-Down
Country: EUR
Product ID: LA-H-ATT3A-EUR
Product Barcode: 800265939844