Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams - (SS) SEGA Saturn Video Games Capcom
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams - (SS) SEGA Saturn Video Games Capcom
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams - (SS) SEGA Saturn Video Games Capcom
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams - (SS) SEGA Saturn Video Games Capcom
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams - (SS) SEGA Saturn Video Games Capcom
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams - (SS) SEGA Saturn Video Games Capcom
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams - (SS) SEGA Saturn Video Games Capcom
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams - (SS) SEGA Saturn Video Games Capcom

Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams - (SS) SEGA Saturn

$399.99 USD /
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Intense. Brutal. Combat. The world has never encountered such a powerful collection of fighters in one tournament. Until now... Every Warrior's Dream - the most devastating Street Fighters of all time assemble to battle in one ultimate contest. Armed with an arsenal of new martial art moves, super combos and deadly secrets, the legendary competitors Ryu, Chun-Li, Ken and Sagat collide with a lethal new combination of fierce opponents. Infamous aggressors - Charlie, Sodom, Birdie and Guy show they play for keeps when they battle on the street. The new contenders Rose and Adon draw powers of the soul and nature to annihilate opponents and secure fame, power and prestige. The most extreme one-on-one warfare ever!

Product Details

Name: Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams
Platform: Saturn
Publisher: Capcom
Official Release Date: 1996
Number of Players: 1-2 Players
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer

Game Data

Genre: Action > Fighting > 2D
ESRB: Animated Violence
Country: USA
Product ID: T-1206H
Product Barcode: 013388220045

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