Star Trek: The Next Generation: Advanced Holodeck Tutorial - SEGA GameGear [Pre-Owned] Video Games Absolute Entertainment
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Advanced Holodeck Tutorial - SEGA GameGear [Pre-Owned] Video Games Absolute Entertainment
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Advanced Holodeck Tutorial - SEGA GameGear [Pre-Owned] Video Games Absolute Entertainment
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Advanced Holodeck Tutorial - SEGA GameGear [Pre-Owned] Video Games Absolute Entertainment

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Advanced Holodeck Tutorial - SEGA GameGear [Pre-Owned]

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Captain Jean-Luc Picard welcomes you, a top-rated cadet at Starfleet Academy, to the most intense training session you'll ever experience: the Advanced Holodeck Tutorial! The Holodeck's computer simulations put YOU at the helm of the Galaxy Class Starship Enterprise - all of its power and crew await your orders. You'll embark on a series of missions assigned by your instructor, Captain Picard, but only you can make the life-or-death decisions required of a Starfleet officer. The more successful you are at completing your missions, the higher your Academy ranking and the more complex the missions become. So test your split-second decision-making skills and push your Starfleet training to the limit: the possibilities are as limitless as the universe itself! "The U.S.S. Enterprise is yours to command!" Life support malfunction! Order LaForge to allocate power before it's too late! A Romulan fleet encounters the Starship Enterprise! Prepare to face the ultimate challenge of your career at Starfleet Academy!

Product Details

Name: Star Trek: The Next Generation: Advanced Holodeck Tutorial
Platform: GameGear
Publisher: Absolute Entertainment
Official Release Date: 1994
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: N/A

Game Data

Genre: Simulation > Space > Civilian
Country: USA
Product ID: N/A
Product Barcode: 018706506948

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