Skylanders Spyro's Adventure is an Action-Adventure game spin-off from the Spyro series designed for younger players that unlocks a whole new game universe while incorporating a unique gameplay mechanic utilizing more than 30 physical action figures that synch with consoles creating in-game character representations. The first release in the Skylander series, Skylanders Spyro's Adventure Starter Pack contains three action figures, an exclusive game peripheral as well as other items. Action figures are compatible with all versions of the game. The game features co-op and competitive multiplayer, mini-games and more.
Product Details
Name: Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Activision
Developer: Vicarious Visions
Official Release Date: 10/16/11
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer
Game Data
Genre: Action > Platformer > 3D
ESRB: Cartoon Violence
Country: USA
Product Barcode: 047875841543