The celebrated Memories Off series returns. In a modern setting 10 years after the original series, comes a poignant tale of grief, friendship and mystery. Junya Mizumoto, a university student is mourning the loss of his brother from a tragic accident only a year prior, when he encounters a mysterious girl who tells him he should have been the one to die, before disappearing. Carrying the weight of those terrifying words alongside the memories of his brother, Junya finds himself taking on an unexpected project with his childhood friend, Chihaya Hojo. The Hojo manor, a traditional Japanese house, needs renovating and it's Junya’s first big job to undertake. But it is a job he cannot undertake alone.
Product Details
Name: SINce Memories: Off the Starry Sky
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: PQube
Developer: 5pb
Official Release Date: 09/24/24
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer
Game Data
Genre: Adventure > General
Country: USA
Product ID: LA-H-A3VKA-USA
Product Barcode: 814737022309