Shakedown Hawaii - (PSV) PlayStation Vita Video Games Vblank Entertainment Inc.
Shakedown Hawaii - (PSV) PlayStation Vita Video Games Vblank Entertainment Inc.
Shakedown Hawaii - (PSV) PlayStation Vita Video Games Vblank Entertainment Inc.

Shakedown Hawaii - (PSV) PlayStation Vita

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Shakedown: Hawaii follows three protagonists through a 16-bit open world. Build your own "legitimate" corporation by completing missions, acquiring businesses, sabotaging competitors, "re-zoning" land, and shaking down shops for protection money.

Explore the island by foot, by car, or by boat. It's filled with arcade challenges, sidequests, stores to shop at, houses to burgle, civilians to interact with, and secrets to discover.

You begin your adventure as an aging CEO, struggling to make sense of the modern world. Online shopping killed his retail stores, ride sharing his taxi business, and streaming his video stores. To save the company, he'll need to learn the "methods" of modern business, and use them to rebuild his empire.

Product Details

Name: Shakedown Hawaii
Platform: PlayStation Vita
Publisher: Vblank Entertainment Inc.
Developer: Vblank Entertainment Inc.
Official Release Date: 05/07/19
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer

Game Data

Genre: Action Adventure > Open-World
ESRB: Drug Reference, Mild Language, Violence
Country: USA
Product ID: PCSE-01125
Product Barcode: 628110732088

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