Ren & Stimpy, the offbeat favorites of Nickelodean's hit animated series The Ren & Stimpy Show, head off on a torturous trek to return the hooves of the Great Shaven Yak. -Be headstrong, temper-tossing Ren or loyal, gullible Stimpy. -Cross tons of terrible terrain! Secret bonus caves and tunnels in every level! -Stimpy coughs a hairball, and Ren tosses a toothbrush! Pick up toast, kitty litter, money, mittens and a Happy Helmet for more power! -Crock-O-Stimpy's, dirt geysers, egg-bombing buzzards and more bizarre perils await!
Product Details
Name: Quest for the Shaven Yak starring Ren & Stimpy
Platform: GameGear
Publisher: Sega
Official Release Date: 1994
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: N/A
Game Data
Genre: Action > Platformer > 2D
Country: USA
Product ID: N/A
Product Barcode: 010086025194