Pix the Cat (Limited Run #226) - (PSV) PlayStation Vita Video Games Limited Run Games
Pix the Cat (Limited Run #226) - (PSV) PlayStation Vita Video Games Limited Run Games
Pix the Cat (Limited Run #226) - (PSV) PlayStation Vita Video Games Limited Run Games

Pix the Cat (Limited Run #226) - (PSV) PlayStation Vita

$49.99 USD /
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PIX the CAT is an intense arcade game designed to make your pads sore! Rescue forsaken ducklings from the nested levels of the infamous GRID of INFINITY. Perfect your skills to SPEED and COMBO UP until you reach the explosive FEVER TIME! Defeat your friends at home in the combat ARENA and compete online with the GHOST feature. Surprising surprises are hidden along your adventure, eager to please you when you least expect it!

Product Details

Name: Pix the Cat (Limited Run #226)
Platform: PlayStation Vita
Publisher: Limited Run Games
Developer: Pasta Games
Official Release Date: 06/21/19
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer

Game Data

Genre: Action > Arcade
ESRB: Mild Fantasy Violence
Country: USA
Product ID: PCSE-00553
Product Barcode: 819976022158

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