IT'S GUT CHECK TIME: WILL YOU CRUSH YOUR NFL 2K OPPONENTS OR BE THEIR TACKLING DUMMY? FEATURES: - Over 1,500 motion-captured moves - Physics-based 3D collisions - VMU to call your plays and keep your opponent guessing - Amazing player-specific detail - The most complete voice-over ever in a sports video game - All 31 stadiums accurately modeled in true 3D - Detailed stat tracking, player trading, team-specific playbooks, fantasy draft, play editor and more!
Product Details
Name: NFL 2K
Platform: Dreamcast
Publisher: Sega
Official Release Date: 2000
Number of Players: 1-4 Players
Online Multiplayer: N/A
Game Data
Genre: Sports > Team > Football > Sim
Country: USA
Product ID: 51003
Product Barcode: 010086510034