Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet continues the excitement of the original Marvel Super Hero Squad with an all-new storyline that follows Season 2 of the hit animated TV series as shown on Cartoon Network. Players can "Hero Up" with friends in cooperative play master the unique Factor Power of each of the Marvel heroes in three game modes: Story Mode, Freeplay Mode and Challenge Mode. The game also boasts a brand new puzzle component, in which players will need to utilize the characters' unique abilities to move or destroy objects, traverse through certain environments, and summon specific strengths to overcome obstacles. With new adventures, tricky puzzles, an expanded selection of Marvel Super Hero Squad members to unlock and play as, Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet is set to thrill gamers from here to Super Hero City.
Product Details
- Name: Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet - PlayStation 3
- Platform: PlayStation 3
- Developer & Publisher: THQ
- Official Release Date: 2010-11-16
- Franchise: Marvel
Game Data
- Genre: Action > General
- Age Rating: ESRB E10+
- Descriptor(s): Animated Blood, Cartoon Violence
- Country: USA
- Product ID: BLUS-30525
- Item Code: 752919992180