Mario's Early Years: Fun with Letters - (SNES) Super Nintendo [Pre-Owned] Video Games Software Toolworks
Mario's Early Years: Fun with Letters - (SNES) Super Nintendo [Pre-Owned] Video Games Software Toolworks
Mario's Early Years: Fun with Letters - (SNES) Super Nintendo [Pre-Owned] Video Games Software Toolworks
Mario's Early Years: Fun with Letters - (SNES) Super Nintendo [Pre-Owned] Video Games Software Toolworks
Mario's Early Years: Fun with Letters - (SNES) Super Nintendo [Pre-Owned] Video Games Software Toolworks

Mario's Early Years: Fun with Letters - (SNES) Super Nintendo [Pre-Owned]

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In FUN WITH LETTERS, children are introduced to the fundamentals of letters and sounds by way of numerous learning worlds: Alphabet, Vowel, First Letter, Last Letter, Building, Sound, Sentence, and more. Your child simply guides Mario, selecting objects on the screen which Mario bonks and bounces through, frequently affirming your child's correct choice. Moms and Dads get to interact and play, too. Mario invites them to join in the fun and observe their children as they become totally involved in the learning process. Through the MARIO'S EARLY YEARS Series children will discover the world around them by exploring the elements of that world. The MARIO'S EARLY YEARS Series covers a multitude of subjects, helping children to acquire valuable skills and develop a rich and active imagination.

Product Details

Name: Mario's Early Years: Fun with Letters
Platform: Super Nintendo
Publisher: Software Toolworks
Official Release Date: October 1994
Number of Players: Player

Game Data

Genre: Miscellaneous > Edutainment
Country: USA
Product Barcode: 050047115700

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