Hyrule Warriors Legends - Nintendo 3DS [Pre-Owned] Video Games Nintendo
Hyrule Warriors Legends - Nintendo 3DS [Pre-Owned] Video Games Nintendo
Hyrule Warriors Legends - Nintendo 3DS [Pre-Owned] Video Games Nintendo
Hyrule Warriors Legends - Nintendo 3DS [Pre-Owned] Video Games Nintendo
Hyrule Warriors Legends - Nintendo 3DS [Pre-Owned] Video Games Nintendo
Hyrule Warriors Legends - Nintendo 3DS [Pre-Owned] Video Games Nintendo
Hyrule Warriors Legends - Nintendo 3DS [Pre-Owned] Video Games Nintendo

Hyrule Warriors Legends - Nintendo 3DS [Pre-Owned]

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The delicate balance of the Triforce has been disrupted, and Hyrule Kingdom is once again being torn apart by a dark power, this time lead by Sorceress Cia. Now its up to the legendary hero Link to face hordes of enemies and find the missing Princess Zelda. Advance the story to unlock new playable characters with unique moves and weapon types. Collect Rupees and other useful items to upgrade weapons and craft badges, which you can use to bolster each warriors abilities. Then unleash the full power of your attacks with intense combos to clear wave after wave of Bokoblin hordes. Youll have to get your gloves dirty to save Hyrule this time.

Product Details

Name: Hyrule Warriors Legends
Platform: Nintendo 3DS
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: Omega Force
Official Release Date: 03/25/16
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer

Game Data

Genre: Action > Beat-'Em-Up > 3D
ESRB: Fantasy Violence, Suggestive Themes
Country: USA
Product Barcode: 045496743642

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