Digimon World DS is the first iteration of the Digimon franchise on the Nintendo DS platform, featuring turn-based combat and entertaining Digimon training. In the game, the player assumes a role of Digimon tamer and embarks on an exciting journey to discover, raise, train and command over 230 unique Digimons. Unlike many of the character collection driven games in the past, the true fun of Digimon World DS begins when collection is completed. You build Digi-Farms to raise, evolve and communicate with your Digimons. You can also exchange Digimons, engage in online battles together, and create rare breeds of Digimon with your friends via Wi-Fi and DS local wireless connection.
Product Details
Game Data
- Genre: Role-Playing > Trainer
- Age Rating: ESRB E10+
- Descriptor(s): Crude Humor, Mild Fantasy Violence, Mild Language
- Country: USA
- Product ID: NTR-ADNE-USA
- Item Code: 722674700153