Romance. Mystery. Adventure. Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ follows the story of Cardia, a young woman with deadly poisonous skin, isolated from the outside world-until a sudden Clash with intruders sends her on an exciting and terrifying journey through steampunk London. Will Cardia find her father and discover the secret behind her mysterious condition? And will she find love with one of the five men Accompanying her on her quest?
Product Details
Name: Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ (Collector's Edition)
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Publisher: Aksys Games
Official Release Date: 02/26/20
Number of Players: 1 Player
Online Multiplayer: No Online Multiplayer
Game Data
Genre: Adventure > Visual Novel
ESRB: Blood, Mild Language, Mild Violence, Suggestive Themes
Country: USA
Product Barcode: 853736006859