Details: Set against a vibrant background reminiscent of a medieval European town, the Atelier series' latest standalone installment follows the exploits of a young novice Alchemist, Sophie, who discovers she is the owner of an enigmatic book imbued with a soul. This Mysterious Book seems to hold all the secrets to the art of Alchemy, even going on to become Sophie's mentor. As Sophie improves her Alchemy skills throughout the story she unravels forgotten memories, and eventually sets out to uncover the strange tale of the book's origin.
- Atelier Sophie The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book - Limited Edition
- Features game, Full-color, 48-page hardcover art book, 2-Disc, 38-track original soundtrack with jewel case, Cloth poster (40"x26"), 5 Mini art prints (5"x7"), Collector's box and DLC pack including the Doll Making ‘Aqua Suit’ costume, a five-piece set of useful materials and items to be used in synthesis and a theme.
- From the development team at GUST.
- In a series first, there are two key illustrators involved - NOCO and Yuugen.
- Join in on the adventures of the young new Alchemist and her trusted allies.
Brand: Sony PlayStation 4
EAN: 0040198102780